Setting Goals and Staying Focused and Healthy

Welcome to the final module of our Newcomer Youth Employment Toolkit! While you’ve gained lots of new, exciting skills, you may be feeling a bit overloaded with all the information you’ve received. We’re here to remind you that your overall well-being is essential to achieving your goals and creating a fulfilling life, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.


Setting Goals and Staying Focused and Healthy

Taking the time to identify your priorities can help you stay focused and motivated. In this workshop, we’ll guide you in setting career goals, managing stress, and prioritizing your health.

As you continue on your journey, we invite you to take advantage of the valuable resources below. The workbook is an excellent tool to help you practice setting goals and developing healthy work habits. The handout gives you tips to manage stress and balance your responsibilities. With these tools at your disposal, there’s nothing holding you back from achieving all of your goals and living your best life!



Thinking about the future


Putting your dreams into action


Balancing your responsibilities


Identifying stress and maintaining health


Having fun, and enjoying life!


Rights and Responsibilities




Rights and Responsibilities